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Hinweis zur Suche: Du kannst zwar beliebig viele Suchkriterien gleichzeitig eingeben, doch beachte, dass dann die Suchauswahl geeigneter Schulen entsprechend eingeschränkt ist - und umgekehrt!

Bundesstaat & City



Schulträger/School Authority


Student Gender

Schultyp/School Type


Fremdsprachen/Foreign Languages


Möglicher Beginn/Entrance Dates

Aufenthaltsdauer/Lenght of Stay

News: Wenn der Button erscheint, hat das Schulprogramm eine Nachricht online gestellt. Das blaue Chat-Symbol leitet dich direkt zum Schulprogramm.


Woodcroft College

Schulträger: Privat,  Anglikanisch

Schultyp: Tagesschule

Gender: Co-ed/gemischt

Anzahl Schüler gesamt: 1420

Anzahl int. Schüler Stufe 10 - 12: 50

Ort: Morphett Vale / Adelaide, South Australia


Education Queensland International

Schulträger: Staatlich

Schultyp: Tagesschule

Gender: Co-ed/gemischt

Anzahl Schulen für internationale Schüler: 79

Ort: Brisbane, Queensland


Mercedes College

Ort: Springfield/Adelaide, South Australia

Schulträger: Privat,  Katholisch

Schultyp: Tagesschule

Gender: Co-ed/gemischt


Fraser Coast Anglican College

Ort: Wondunna , Queensland

Schulträger: Anglikanisch,  Unabhängig

Schultyp: Tagesschule

Gender: Co-ed/gemischt


ACT Government Education Directorate


All Saints Anglican School


All Saints' College Bathurst


All Souls St Gabriels School


Amity College


Ascham School


Australian International High School


Ballarat Clarendon College


Billanook College


Brisbane Boys' College


Brisbane Grammar School


Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School


Caloundra Christian College


Canberra Girls' Grammar School


Canterbury College


Christ Church Grammar School


Emmanuel Anglican College


Genazzano FCJ College


Gippsland Grammar


Girls Grammar School Rockhampton


Guildford Grammar School


Hills Grammar School


Immanuel College


John Paul College


Kambala School


Kincoppal-Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart


King's Christian College


Launceston Church Grammar School


Loreto College


Mackay Christian College


Matthew Flinders Anglican College


Methodist Ladies' College


Moreton Bay Boy's College


Moreton Bay College


Newington College


Northern Territory Government International Student Program


NSW Government Schools


Pembroke School


Prince Alfred College


Roseville College


Saint Stephen's College


Scotch College Adelaide


Scotch Oakburn College


South Australian Government Schools


St Edmund's College


St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls


St Hilda's School


St John's Grammar School


St Joseph's Nudgee College


St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School


St Michael's Collegiate School


St Paul's International College


St Paul's School


St Peters Lutheran College / Indooroopilly School


St Scholastica's College


St. Michael's Grammar School


TAFE International Western Australia


Tara Anglican School for Girls


Tasmanian Government Schools


The Cathedral School of St Anne & St James


The Friend's School


The Geelong College


The Hamilton and Alexandra College


The Hutchins School


The King's School


The Pittwater House Schools


The Rockhampton Grammar School


The Scots College


The Scots PGC College


The Scots School


The Southport School


Townsville Grammar School


Victorian Government Schools International Student Program


Whitsunday Anglican School


Yarra Valley Grammar